Members of OPTIMAS are involved in organization of Europe's largest physicists' conferences

As heads nof important divisions of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG),  Michael Fleischhauer (quantum optics und photonics) und Martin Aeschlimann (surface physics) are engaged in the organization of the large general DPG spring meetings.

DPG spring meeting of section AMOP (Hanover, 8th - 12th of March 2010)
Combined DPG Spring Meeting of the Section AMOP and the Divisions Environmental Physics and Physics Education. From S-AMOP the following divisions will participate: Atomic Physics, Short Time-scale Physics, Mass Spectrometry, Molecular Physics, Plasma Physics, Quantum Optics and Photonics.

DPG spring meeting of section SKM (Regensburg, 21st - 26th of March 2010)
Combined DPG Spring Meeting of the Section Condensed Matter (SKM), the divisions Crystallography (KR), Radiation and Medical Physics (ST), Physics of Socio-economic Systems (SOE) and the Working Group on Industry and Business (AIW).