Members of State Research Center OPTIMAS

Prof. Dr. Martin Aeschlimann

Ultrafast phenomena on surfaces


E-mail: ma(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 2322

Prof. Dr. James Anglin

Fundamentals of quantum physics

E-mail: janglin(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 2384

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Eggert

Fundamentals of solid state and many-particle systems

E-mail: eggert(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 2375

Prof. Dr. Michael Fleischhauer

Theoretical quantum optics

E-mail: mfleisch(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 3206

Prof. Dr. Georg von Freymann

Optical Technologies and Photonics

Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM

E-mail: georg.freymann(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 5225

Prof. Dr. Burkard Hillebrands


E-mail: hilleb(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 4228

JProf. Dr. Christina Jörg

Topology in 3D photonic quantum simulators

E-mail: cjoerg(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 4400

Prof. Dr. Akashdeep Kamra

Theory of Spin Systems

E-mail: akashdeep.kamra(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 2272

Prof. Dr. Alexander Kauertz

Physics didactics and technology teaching

E-mail: a.kauertz(at)

Phone: +49 6341 280 31210

Prof. Dr. Johannes L'huillier

Institut für Oberflächen- und Schichttechnik (IFOS) GmbH

E-mail: lhuillier(at)

Phone: +49 631 20573 3000

JProf. Dr.-Ing. Leyu Lin


E-mail: leyu.lin(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 4636

JProf. Dr. Jennifer Meyer

Reaction dynamics

E-mail: jmeyer(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 4211

Prof. Dr. Elke Neu-Ruffing

Investigation of novel quantum sensors

E-mail: nruffing(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 5788

Prof. Dr. Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg

Cluster chemistry

Vice Speaker

E-mail: gns(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 4697

Prof. Dr. Herwig Ott

Ultracold quantum gases and quantum atom optics

E-mail: ott(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 2817

PD Dr. Axel Pelster

Fundamentals of solid state and many-particle systems

E-mail: axel.pelster(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 2270

JProf. Dr. Philipp Pirro


E-mail: ppirro(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 4092

Prof. Dr. Ioachim Pupeza

Optical Quantum Metrology

E-mail: ioachim.pupeza(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 2315

Prof. Dr. Marco Rahm

Metamaterials and transformation optics

E-mail: marco.rahm(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 4157

Prof. Dr. Bärbel Rethfeld

Ultrafast physics of laser-excited solids

E-mail: rethfeld(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 2385

PD. Dr. Christoph Riehn

Cluster chemistry

E-mail: riehn(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 4859

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alois K. Schlarb


E-mail: alois.schlarb(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 5116

Prof. Dr. Hans Christian Schneider

Theoretical semiconductor optics

E-mail: hcsch(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 3208

Prof. Dr. Mathias Weiler

Applied spin phenomena

E-mail: weiler(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 4099

Prof. Dr. Artur Widera

Quantum physics of single atoms and ultracold quantum gases

E-mail: widera(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 4130

Prof. Dr. Christoph van Wüllen

Theoretical Chemistry

E-mail: c.vanwuellen(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 2749

Prof. Dr. Christiane Ziegler

Interfaces, nanomaterials and biophysics

E-mail: cz(at)

Phone: +49 631 205 2855