Particles with fractional charges are best known from high energy physics in the form of quarks, but exotic quasiparticles with fractional charge can…
The Physical Review Letters is one of the world leading scientific journals in physics. Next to the scientific quality of its articles it stands out…
Dipl.-Ing. Yufeng Guo hat kürzlich den Oechsler-Preis 2013 des Wissenschaftlichen Arbeitskreises der Universitätsprofessoren der Kunststofftechnik…
Carbon dioxide is identified as one of the main causes of climate change, but it can also be seen as a nearly omnipresent, renewable and inexpensive…
In the winter term 2013/2014 a new seminar, the KIDS TALK, will start at the Department of Physics of the University of Kaiserslautern. In this…
On October 9 at Fraunhofer-Platz 1 in Kaiserslautern, the laying of the cornerstone was celebrated for a new building of the Fraunhofer Institute for…
In mid-September, the Mainz Science Market took place in the city center of Mainz for the twelfth time. Under the auspices of the Rhineland-Palatinate…
A deeper insight of the electronic coupling between metal centers is an utmost concern in molecular science. Despite its importance there are still…