With society growing older, implants are often necessary to preserve mobility and health-related quality of life. However, by far not all…
Topological order, emerging as a collective behavior of a physical system, is an intriguing concept which attracted growing interest in many fields of…
Vergangene Woche fand in Lausanne zum 40. Mal die Micro and Nanoengineering (MNE) Konferenz statt; Europas größte Konferenz zur Mikro- und…
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alois K. Schlarb, Professor of Composite Engineering at the University of Kaiserslautern (Department of Mechanical and Process…
In mid-September, the 13th Mainz Science Market took place in the city center of Mainz. Under the auspices of the Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of…
The report "Ein ultrakalter Simulator" (in German, an ultracold simulator) earned OPTIMAS PhD student Felix Schmidt from the research group of…
A disturbance in the local magnetic order of a solid body can propagate across a material just like a wave. This wave is named spin wave and its…
For the third year in a row, the University of Kaiserlautern was successful in delegating a student for a research course at the Center for Materials…